Шпаргалка по командам и хоткеям Unix

Стянуто отсюда: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch01.en.html


key description of key binding
Ctrl-U стереть тест перед курсором (erase line before cursor)
Ctrl-H стереть символ перед курсром (erase a character before cursor)
Ctrl-D terminate input (exit shell if you are using shell)
Ctrl-C terminate a running program
Ctrl-Z temporarily stop program by moving it to the background job
Ctrl-S halt output to screen
Ctrl-Q reactivate output to screen
Ctrl-Alt-Del reboot/halt the system, see inittab(5)
Left-Alt-key (optionally, Windows-key) meta-key for Emacs and the similar UI
Up-arrow start command history search under bash
Ctrl-R start incremental command history search under bash
Tab complete input of the filename to the command line under bash
Ctrl-V Tab input Tab without expansion to the command line under bash


command description
pwd выводит текущую директорию (display name of current/working directory)
whoami выводит имя текущего юзера (display current user name)
id выводит id текущего юзера (display current user identity (name, uid, gid, and associated groups))
file <foo> выводит тип файла, переданного в качестве аргумента (display a type of file for the file <foo>)
type -p <commandname> выводит расположение файла, вызывающегося при вводе команды (display a file location of command <commandname>)
type <commandname> выводит информацию о команде (display information on command <commandname>)
apropos <key-word> находит команды, связанные с переданным аргумеентом find commands related to <key-word>
whatis <commandname> display one line explanation on command <commandname>
man -a <commandname> display explanation on command <commandname> (Unix style)
info <commandname> display rather long explanation on command <commandname> (GNU style)
ls list contents of directory (non-dot files and directories)
ls -a list contents of directory (all files and directories)
ls -A list contents of directory (almost all files and directories, i.e., skip .. and .)
ls -la list all contents of directory with detail information
ls -lai list all contents of directory with inode number and detail information
ls -d list all directories under the current directory
tree display file tree contents
lsof <foo> list open status of file <foo>
lsof -p <pid> list files opened by the process ID: <pid>
mkdir <foo> make a new directory <foo> in the current directory
rmdir <foo> remove a directory <foo> in the current directory
cd <foo> change directory to the directory <foo> in the current directory or in the directory listed in the variable $CDPATH
cd / change directory to the root directory
cd change directory to the current user’s home directory
cd /<foo> change directory to the absolute path directory /<foo>
cd .. change directory to the parent directory
cd ~<foo> change directory to the home directory of the user <foo>
cd - change directory to the previous directory
</etc/motd pager display contents of /etc/motd using the default pager
touch <junkfile> create a empty file <junkfile>
cp <foo> <bar> copy a existing file <foo> to a new file <bar>
rm <junkfile> remove a file <junkfile>
mv <foo> <bar> rename an existing file <foo> to a new name <bar> (<bar> must not exist)
mv <foo> <bar> move an existing file <foo> to a new location <bar>/<foo> (the directory <bar> must exist)
mv <foo> <bar>/<baz> move an existing file <foo> to a new location with a new name <bar>/<baz> (the directory <bar> must exist but the directory <bar>/<baz> must not exist)
chmod 600 <foo> make an existing file <foo> to be non-readable and non-writable by the other people (non-executable for all)
chmod 644 <foo> make an existing file <foo> to be readable but non-writable by the other people (non-executable for all)
chmod 755 <foo> make an existing file <foo> to be readable but non-writable by the other people (executable for all)
find . -name <pattern> find matching filenames using shell <pattern> (slower)
locate -d . <pattern> find matching filenames using shell <pattern> (quicker using regularly generated database)
grep -e "<pattern>" *.html find a “” in all files ending with .html in current directory and display them all
top display process information using full screen, type q to quit
kill <1234> kill a process identified by the process ID: “<1234>”
gzip <foo> compress <foo> to create <foo>.gz using the Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77)
gunzip <foo>.gz decompress <foo>.gz to create <foo>
bzip2 <foo> compress <foo> to create <foo>.bz2 using the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text compression algorithm, and Huffman coding (better compression than gzip)
bunzip2 <foo>.bz2 decompress <foo>.bz2 to create <foo>
tar -xvf <foo>.tar extract files from <foo>.tar archive
tar -xvzf <foo>.tar.gz extract files from gzipped <foo>.tar.gz archive
tar -xvf -j <foo>.tar.bz2 extract files from <foo>.tar.bz2 archive
tar -cvf <foo>.tar <bar>/ archive contents of folder <bar>/ in <foo>.tar archive
tar -cvzf <foo>.tar.gz <bar>/ archive contents of folder <bar>/ in compressed <foo>.tar.gz archive
tar -cvjf <foo>.tar.bz2 <bar>/ archive contents of folder <bar>/ in <foo>.tar.bz2 archive
zcat README.gz > foo create a file foo with the decompressed content of README.gz
zcat README.gz >> foo append the decompressed content of README.gz to the end of the file foo (if it does not exist, create it first)